Welcome Messages

Welcome Message Best Practices

Sending customers engaging welcome messages including gifs and/or videos can reinforce positive feelings about your brand, increase loyalty, and encourage return visits. Also, it’s an opportunity to steer the conversation to your preferred topics. Here you will find the best ways to get the most from the Welcome Messages.


Logo: To brand the chat, your logo or sponsor logo should be included within the header.

See the zoo's logo in the example below:

Examples of brand identity:

Add personality by adding a theme or mascot to the chat. Within sports, popular examples include team mascots, legendary figures, or owners. In other industries, we see animals, legendary figures, and influences.

Quick Replies: Offer 3-4 Quick replies on topics of the highest importance (Use Top 25 Responses). Examples would include top-requested topics or revenue-generating topics.

Best Practice | Dos and Donts

Below is an example of a Welcome Message that would be considered a best practice. The header and image explain the general theme that the assistant will be about, followed by a short description of what the assistant can do.

Last updated