Step 1
Receive your unique offer code from FEVO.
Offer Code example: AA-12345ABC
Step 2
Adjust our templated URL to include the offer code above:
Templated URL:
URL Once Adjusted: https-iframe://
Step 3
With your unique new URL, navigate to the Satisfi Labs account dashboard on the left side to the Studio > NLP Manager > Responses. Add the FEVO offer as a button to an existing response and/or create a new response utilizing the Input Director to specifically promote the offer.
Option 1) Existing Response - Add an additional button to promote a FEVO Offer(s)
Option 2) Create a new response for the FEVO offer by utilizing Input Director
When using Input Director to create a new response for purchasing tickets through FEVO, we suggest adding training for very specific offer names, to ensure a seamless integration with our platform.
How can I buy tickets for a Star Wars night?
Casamigos Club offer
When adding and selecting the URL (iFrame) button dropdown option in order to successfully iframe the FEVO offer in-chat. This button selection applies to both options above.
When adding a button to promote a FEVO offer, choose a clear, aligned call-to-action to make the offer obvious and engaging for the user.
Buy Tickets
Get Your Seats
Reserve Now
Step 4
Once the FEVO offer is added via a button, save and publish the response for the offer to be promoted to the existing response or newly created response.
Step 5
Test your FEVO offer in-chat by going to your website and typing in the trained inputs for the response to make sure it is a successful embedded experience.
Step 6
When your FEVO offer passes (i.e. if it is a promotion and/or group offering aligned with a specific date), remove the button across all instances.
Last updated
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