Developer Notes

View our Satisfi Labs developer notes to see what's new in our system. This page will be updated on a regular cadence as we release updates and new features.

May 2024
  • Release for TDC integration updates payment and reservation summaries to reflect "Ticket Fee" and "Tax line items

  • Session Wraps functionality provides a webhook event to automatically close submissions after a timeout period

December 22 2023
  • Small releases made to address minor breaks and improve performance including:

    • Fix to link buttons in iFramed experience

    • Quick replies formatting enhancement to support 1 quick reply per line

    • Fix to address iOS login issues for admin users

December 12 2023
  • An update of Bridge has been released to include the following -

    • An easy to configure setting for appearance changes (light mode, dark mode)

    • Message delivery status is now indicated in the agent's view of a conversation (e.g., double check mark now visible on messages, posted near the timestamp)

    • Removed conversation count in Contacts screen

    • Refreshed UI on Reports screen

    • Enable/disable signature shortcut has been added to agent view

November 20 2023
  • Users now have the ability to have a separate complete message for unresolved conversations

  • Improvements made for clients utilizing our Salesforce Chat embedded integration

November 14 2023
  • Adjustments made for the website scraping process to allow additional page types to pull in information

  • Links no longer fail when they do not return "Content-Length" in the head request

  • Improvements made to verify full website content is available

November 13 2023
  • Added the ability to intake the venue time zone within our Ticketmaster feed import. This allows for additional displays to show the correct timezone in additional cases

  • Adjustments made to our LLM algorithm to prevent duplicate data from being uploaded into the system

November 3 2023
  • Code released allowing us to eliminate the train button from the dashboard. Content will now automatically be uploaded into the database without the need for the train button to be tapped

October 19 2023

Satisfi Dashboard:

  • Dashboard remembers codeview/formview selection in NLP response

  • Admin Mode setting now can be saved

  • Corrected error when trying to open Online Status tab in certain dashboards

October 3 2023

Satisfi Bridge:

  • We've stopped "Escalation" from firing when agents are unavailable


  • We fixed an issue where the Tile Header Text wasn't displaying

Satisfi Dashboard:

  • Improved the error logging when there is no home page setup/available

September 26 2023

Satisfi Bridge:

  • The Bridge platform has been upgraded to the newest version, which includes:

    • Ability to prioritize conversations

    • Method to view audit logs to see user sign-ins and sign-outs.

    • Potential for OpenAI Integration

Satisfi Dashboard:

  • Ability for Satisfi Support without the dependency of the home page loaded first

  • Changes to only highlight one dashboard element at a time


  • Ability to support additional timezones including CET, CEST, AEST, AEDT, AWST, BST, GMT, JST, WET, HST, MSK

September 12 2023

Webchat Accessibility: Many changes to our web chat platform to comply with accessibility guidelines, including:

  • A health check endpoint on the WebChat Application

  • Common Components The <iframe> is no longer missing the title='...' attribute.

  • Elements with a visible text label, the accessible name now contains the visible text

  • Color now is not only used for visual means but also for conveying meaning.

  • The modal dialog now follows the established design pattern.

  • Components now receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability.

  • Lists are now always contained within semantically correct containers.

  • Decorative SVG is no longer hidden from screen reader users

  • Regular scale text now has at least a 4.5:1 color contrast ratio

September 9 2023

Satisfi Support:

  • Satisfi Support has been added to all client dashboards allowing clients to reach out to a Satisfi Team member for live assistance between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm ET Monday - Friday.

August 23 2023


  • We enabled the "Popups" section to become available for all admin users.

  • We created the ability to click and drag a popup into your bookmarks bar for testing purposes. See here for a quick video.

  • We created the ability to grab the unique snippet codes directly from the "Popups" area + a link out to resource center documentation.

User Permissions:

  • We fixed an issue where a change in email didn't reflect within the Bridge account.

August 10 2023


  • We've added the ability for the Satisfi Labs messaging service to connect with Freshchat accounts to transmit messages.

Satisfi Bridge:

  • We've added the ability for users within Bridge to send a URL through the chat.

User Settings:

  • We've performed numerous updates to user settings related to account creation and Multi-Factor Authentication Setup.

July 27 2023


  • We've enabled the "Admin Mode" feature allowing permission accounts to perform website scraping actions directly from live pop-ups.

  • We've updated our automatic scraping process allowing website URLs to be scraped with higher efficiency.

Modal Responses:

  • We've enabled a new "Modal Responses" feature that allows rich text HTML messages to appear on webchat pages.

July 13 2023


  • We've adjusted the default search type for clients with LLM experiences within the dashboard from "Input" to "Content" to reflect the new data search methods.

  • We've enhanced the process to load new content to our LLM database with higher success rates.


  • We've released the ability for our popup to detect the URL on dynamic websites as users navigate pages. This change allows us to fire new welcome messages and report on website data on many additional sites.

  • We've added the ability for the Satisfi Labs popup to display on web pages that don't have jquery installed.

Satisfi Bridge:

  • We've automated additional items within the setup process to allow labels and other settings to apply without configuration.


  • We've added the ability to display events/games where the start time is listed as "TBD"

  • We've added additional logic to display events if the initial search process returned no events.

June 27 2023


  • We've added API updates to allow us to begin reporting on messages from an LLM vs. our standard NLP system.

  • We've updated the Messages Log to enhance live agent reporting for our widespread analytics upgrades set for the week of July 10th.


  • We've added the ability to set LLM enrichments directly through the dashboard. This update sets the foundation for clients to perform changes directly in future releases.

Ticketing E-commerce:

  • We made numerous backend improvements to enhance the reservation workflow to reduce errors and show events at a higher success rate.

Third-Party User IDs:

  • We've made updates to allow third-party user IDs to pass through the webchat URL and Satisfi Labs popup. This allows clients to pass their user IDs to us through additional formats.

June 15 2023


  • We've released a new feature to support data refreshes on our new analytics paradigm set for release the week of July 11th.


  • We've released a new feature to allow data to be imported to our LLM database through the dashboard using a new "Train" button.

Webchat UI:

  • We've released new theme settings to allow us to customize the color of the scrollbar for our web chat experiences


  • Numerous backend improvements to allow internal Satisfi Labs users to build new products with higher efficiency.

June 8 2023


  • We've released an update to allow us to configure a timeout of 24 hours when viewing our new analytics paradigm, expanded from 15 minutes per session.


  • We've released new functionality to allow us to train our LLM bots based on a client URL.

  • We've released UI updates for a "processing" message to display as we train and call responses from an LLM.

June 1 2023


  • We've released the ability for our new analytics paradigm to display directly within the Satisfi Labs dashboards ahead of testing for beta clients.

User Permissions:

  • We've made an update to allow all client administrators to add new users to their platform without contacting Satisfi Labs support. See a walkthrough here.

Last updated