Ticket Commerce Records


Ticket Commerce Records report lets you review ticket searches, reservations, and purchases per use of the Ticket Commerce flow.

Report Components


End User Action

If the user started a search, but never finished the flow then the EndUserAction is Search tickets.

If the user completes a purchase, then the EndUserAction is PurchaseTickets.

Action Status

Fail means that for one reason or another, the call to the ticketing provider failed, and whatever action the user was trying to take did not work. Failure can happen at the search, reserve, and/or purchase steps, and is not related to whether or not the user ever bought tickets. Success means the ticket was purchased

Event Name

Name of the event

Venue Name

Name of the location

Event Date

Event date

Event Time

Event time

Sale Type

''Resale'' are secondary market tickets, meaning a person is selling tickets they originally purchased for themselves. ''Standard'' are tickets the user is buying directly from the client.

Price Code

An attribute per ticket that the ticketing provider uses to find the tickets that best match what the user asked for (e.g. premium tickets vs best available vs lowest price, etc)

Ticket Vendor

Name of the ticket vendor


Location of a seat requested


  1. Understand which pages and channels users are accessing to interact with the Ticket Commerce flow. Identify popular entry points and optimize user journeys for seamless ticket searches and purchases.

  2. Use the "End User Action" component to track the customer journey through the ticket purchase flow.

  3. Examine the "Action Status" component to understand the success rate of different actions (search, reserve, purchase). Analyze the reasons for failed actions and implement strategies to improve overall conversion rates.

  4. Utilize the "Event Name," "Venue Name," "Event Date," and "Event Time" components to monitor the performance of specific events or venues. Identify popular events and peak booking times to adjust inventory levels and pricing strategies accordingly.

  5. Monitor transaction amounts and currencies to assess revenue generated through ticket sales. Identify high-value transactions and analyze pricing strategies to maximize revenue and profitability.

  6. Leverage the "Sale Type" and "Price Code" components to understand the demand and pricing of different ticket types (e.g., resale vs. standard, premium vs. best available).

Last updated