Bridge Escalations


Bridge Escalations report helps you review the outcomes and agent performance per Bridge live escalation. Choose from a specific team of agents or an agent to analyze the conversations happened in a given period of time.

Report Components


Agent Name

Name of a live agent

Agent Email

Email of a live agent

Seconds to First Response

Amount of seconds that the end user waited till the live agent reply

Inbound Message Count

Number of messages received in a conversation

Outbound Message Count

Number of messages sent by a live agent in a conversation

Last Message Direction

Last message sent by a user or by a live agent

Last Message Date

The date of the last message

Last Message Time

The time of the last message

Escalation Status

Status of an escalation, which can be resolved, open or snoozed

Seconds to Resolution

Time spent to resolve the conversation

Resolution Flag

An escalation is marked as resolved if the agent marked it as closed AND they sent the user at least one message. This corrects for the fact that an agent might miss an escalation and later mark it as closed, even though they didn't actually help the user with their question.

Inbox Name

  • Most clients only use the main inbox name.

  • There is also Email inbox name if clients have added Email as a channel

Team Name

Name of your team based on the Team Management settings in Bridge

Conversation Code

All messages from a given user on a given date (local time), on a given bot page.

End User Code

Unique users. A customer who holds conversations on multiple dates is still a unique end-user.


  1. Use the "Agent Name" and "Agent Email" components to analyze the performance of individual agents.

  2. Combine "Seconds to First Response" and "Seconds to Resolution" to assess agent response times and efficiency.

  3. Utilize "Last Message Direction," "Last Message Date," and "Last Message Time" to identify and prioritize unresolved or outstanding conversations.

  4. Analyze "Escalation Status" and "Resolution Flag" to monitor the resolution rate and identify areas for improvement in handling escalations.

  5. Use "Inbox Name" and "Team Name" components to distribute workload effectively across inboxes and teams.

  6. Combine "Seconds to First Response" and "Seconds to Resolution" to evaluate the overall customer experience and identify areas for improvement in response times.

  7. Analyze data over time to identify trends in customer inquiries, agent performance, and resolution rates.

Last updated