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Before You Start

Please review the popup editor fields found below before adding/editing any popups!

Editor Field Definitions

Add/Edit Your Popups

While in the popup window:

  1. In your admin dashboard, go to Studio -> Popups

  2. Click the "+" icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  3. Name the popup and make any adjustments to the prompts, labels, theme, etc. before hitting "Save New". For more information on the available fields, review the article here: Editor Field Definitions

  4. Add the new Popup Rule by clicking the "+" in the bottom right-hand corner of the Popup Editor window. If you do not assign a page within this rule section, no chat will appear! Learn more about Popup Rules below.

  5. Hit Save New

If you prefer to utilize your own webpage elements for user actions such as:

  • Surfacing/Opening the Popup

  • Close/Hide the Popup

Please use the advanced popup installation instructions here: Advanced Pop-Up Options

Add/Adjust Popup Rules

Each popup needs to have a rule tying it to a specific chat page. If you do not create a rule assigning a chat page to your popup, no chat will appear within the popup container.

Example of a Popup Rule
  1. Navigate to your popup's editor window

  2. Add the new Popup Rule by clicking the "+" in the bottom right-hand corner or selecting the pencil icon to edit an existing rule.

  3. Update the following rule fields:



Set the priority of a rule over other existing rules.

Match Type

Default: Your new popup always defaults to use a particular chat page.

Contains: If this popup's code snippet is placed on a webpage that contains certain text in the URL, it will override the default.

Match Text

Not needed if using "Default" as match type. If using "Contains", "Starts/Ends With", or "Equals", add text to match up with this popup.


Apply the page you'd like to link to this popup.

  1. Hit Save

Last updated