Add an Image/GIF
In the Satisfi Labs dashboard, go to Studio -> NLP Manager -> Responses
Click the response you wish to update and select the pencil icon
Within Form View, scroll to the Image section and select Add Image...
Select Browse
Upload your new image by selecting the upload icon in the bottom left corner
Hover over the image you wish to include and click the Select button
Publish your response updates
Image Linkouts
Explore how you can allow users to expand images in new tabs and redirect them to other web pages.
Utilize images as buttons! If a user selects the image, they will be sent to a designated link. Once you've added your image to the response, add the URL before publishing the response.
The URL must begin with https:// or http://
Image Specs
We can support JPG, GIF, PNG, or SVG files. The following specs are recommended based on what we have found to be considered best practice.
Header/Banner Ad: Logo Only
Size: 234x60
Recommend File Type: PNG, GIF or SVG
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
Horizontal logos with transparent backgrounds are strongly preferred
The width of the header image will automatically be resized to fit within the boundaries of the header. However, we recommend that the header image is scaled such that the pixel height does not exceed 150 px.
Header/Banner Ad: Full Banner
Size: 5x1 ratio, 750x150
Supported File Types: PNG or SVG
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
The width of the header image will automatically be resized to fit within the boundaries of the header. However, we recommend that the header image is scaled such that the pixel height does not exceed 150 px.
Response Images
Size: 2x1 ratio, 800x400 is preferred
Supported File Types: PNG, GIF or SVG
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
If needed, your Account Manager can assist with recommendations on which Response IDs to include images on.
Welcome Message
If you’d like for your welcome message image to expand across the chat container (recommended for welcome messages in web/app channels), please switch to code view and add the following to the bottom of the card:
Please note that images are always rendered at the top of a response and we can only support one image per response.
Background Skin
Size: 375x600
Supported File Types: PNG or SVG
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
The chat will render on multiple devices like desktop, mobile, tablet, etc. so if the image contains verbiage, we'll want to ensure during testing that it displays appropriately on each device.
Size: 200x200
Supported File Types: PNG or SVG files are preferred
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
Provide high-quality, clear image files. Transparent background is strongly recommended.
Custom Pop-Up Image
Size: The image file will be added with the exact dimensions of the image provided (a 50x50 px image will render a 50x50 px popup)
Supported File Types: PNG, JPG, or SVG
An image file of around 100 KB is recommended. The file should not exceed 200 KB.
For brand consistency, we strongly recommend utilizing your creative team in order to meet website requirements.
Last updated