Quick Replies


Quick replies are added to each response to encourage continued engagement from the user. Not only do the users remain engaged, but they are also prompted to view information on a specific subject you have chosen. Quick replies can account for 60% of traffic for certain topics.

Typically, quick replies are designed based on our network effect of data. We have compiled the next 2-3 most commonly asked questions for each response and added these as suggested topics to every response.

Add a Quick Reply to a Prewritten Response

To add a new quick reply to a prewritten response, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the response you wish to update and select “Edit” in the top right corner

  2. Locate the “Quick Replies” area within the response window. You can either select “Add Quick Reply…” to add a new one or edit an existing option

All responses should contain 2-3 quick reply options. We recommend replacing one of the existing quick replies if you already have three within a response.

  1. Add a quick reply label. This will be visible to your end user. We recommend writing it in question format for web or app channels or as a short label for a Facebook channel

  2. Select “Response Name” or "Input Text" as the type

  3. Select the response name of the response copy that you’d like to populate when the button is selected. If using input text, you can use the same quick reply label text, but be sure to exclude the "?"

Each response is assigned a unique response name. This can be found within the “Response Name” column of the dashboard. The button label should always relate to the subject of the response you’re linking.

  1. To add another quick reply, go back to Step 2 and follow the same steps

Add a Quick Reply to a Generated Response

If you want to enrich a Generated response with a quick reply, follow steps provided in this article.

Our Recommendations

  • All responses should contain 2-3 quick reply options

  • Quick replies should be written in question format

  • Review and adjust your quick replies throughout the year to recommend popular topics or 'need to know' information to your clients

  • HELP, NO MATCH and TLDRshould always have quick reply responses created to address common user inquiries

  • Due to limitations in Facebook, we recommend using short labels within this channel.

    • On Facebook, the quick reply label character limit is 20

  • The quick reply label name should be directly related to the linked response copy

  • Quick replies should never link to a URL. If you’d like to include a URL, please add this as a button

  • The quick reply label should be short enough that it doesn’t extend to multiple lines for the end user:

Last updated