Intent Explorer Dashboard
The Intent Explorer Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to provide accessible business-driving insights. With the help of intuitive filters, you can easily explore intents and gain unique insights into customer preferences that directly impact your business.
Using the dashboard, you can leverage filters to search for specific intents, categories, or actions within the indexed data. By clicking on a specific intent, you can deep-dive into detailed information related to it.
How can I use filters to better understand user behavior?
Each filter helps you look at customer behavior from different angles.
Filter by AI Assistant
This is an important dimension because it allows you to see data categorized by AI Assistants and their specific subject matter expertise: tickets, food & beverage, on-site, activities, communication, health & safety, and parking.
Let’s say you want to check out the Tickets Assistant. See total messages and end user data categorized by ticketing intents and click on three ellipses to deep dive to the most interested intent.
Filter by Category
The dashboard allows you to filter by Category, offering flexibility in exploring dimensions across various topics. For example, you can identify which beer brands or ticket types are most interesting to customers, or which policies are frequently asked about, potentially causing confusion.
Try the Ticket Types Category and see which ticket types are in the most demand across your customers.
Filter by Action
The new Filter by Action feature allows you to refine your analysis based on specific actions. This enables you to focus on improving customer service by searching for complaint-related actions or identifying revenue-generating intents by filtering for buying actions.
You can combine filters to gain insights into customer preferences for specific products or services, such as which tickets, food items, or parking options are in high demand.
Try filtering by Learn About action. See which topics raise the most interest among your customers. Do they ask about it because they could not find the information on the website? Does this topic need to be clarified? Let your Marketing team work on this to provide more accessible information.
Additional Filter types
Filter by Date
Filter by Channel
Filter by Language
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